Boosting Kids’ Critical Thinking: A Parent’s Guide to Promoting Independent Thought

Boosting Kids’ Critical Thinking: A Parent’s Guide to Promoting Independent Thought

About two years ago, I left the classroom to embark on a new adventure as a writer and education consultant. While I love the new challenges that my new role brings, I will always be grateful for the treasured time I spent engaging with a roomful of kids who were all mine, all year long….

Guiding Your Child Through Exam Stress: Practical Strategies for Well-Being and Success

Guiding Your Child Through Exam Stress: Practical Strategies for Well-Being and Success

Exams are a significant part of a child’s educational journey, but they can also be a major source of stress and anxiety. Understanding how to support your child during this time is crucial as a parent. It’s not just about helping them achieve good grades but ensuring they balance their academic responsibilities and overall well-being….

A Parent’s Guide to Surviving Grade Four
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A Parent’s Guide to Surviving Grade Four

As each school year begins, your social media feed is likely filled with proud parent posts showing excited, smiling children donning their uniforms for the first time as they embark on their grade one journey. There’s also no shortage of posts from parents marking the start of their child’s high school years in grade eight…

Why Was I Tested on This? Understanding How Bloom’s Taxonomy Shapes Assessments

Why Was I Tested on This? Understanding How Bloom’s Taxonomy Shapes Assessments

Has your child ever come home frustrated, insisting they were tested on material not taught in class? This is a common concern among students and parents alike. Teachers use a framework called Bloom’s Taxonomy to help students develop a wide range of cognitive skills. Understanding this approach can help you support your child better. I’ve…

The Life-changing Power of Academic Accommodations

The Life-changing Power of Academic Accommodations

Finding the right learning environment for children with unique educational needs can be daunting. The journey to securing the appropriate support and accommodations is crucial for their academic and personal growth. Let me share a story many parents might relate to: a journey filled with challenges and triumphs. A Journey of Perseverance and Discovery Imagine…

The Overlooked Potential: Addressing the Needs of Gifted Children
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The Overlooked Potential: Addressing the Needs of Gifted Children

As a specialist in gifted education and a passionate advocate for neurodiversity, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles that parents of gifted children face within our education system. Despite their remarkable potential, these children are often underserved and misunderstood. It’s time to change that narrative and give them the support they deserve. Understanding Giftedness Giftedness…